“Many radiologists choose to work in Denmark, one of the most developed European countries, with excellent working conditions and state of art equipment.
Why should you choose to continue your career in Denmark?
- Salary, 94 000 € gross per year.
- Permanent contract.
- 37 hours working week.
- 6 weeks paid holiday per year.
- Possibilities for training and participation in research.
- Free intensive language course for you and your family.
- Excellent healthcare and social system.
We have jobs for radiologists with experience or interest in:
- Diagnostic imaging (CT, MRI, Ultrasound)
- Mamma radiology
- Orthopaedic radiology
- Thoracic radiology
- Oncoradiology
There are positions in university and municipal hospitals.
Contact us at [email protected] before the 24th of June for more details about the concrete job offers!
In MediCarrera we prepare our candidates and their families for successful moving to a new country. We organize a visit in a potential workplace, we teach the language in our intensive courses and we assist at every stage of the relocation and adaptation process. We help with formalities and all practical issues like finding a job for the partner, a house or a school for children, etc.
All MediCarrera services are free of charge for the candidates.
If you have any questions – feel free to ask.
Visit our web page: www.medicarrera.com
Follow our fan page: www.facebook.com/medicar
I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,
Anda Stoicescu
Paseo de Gracia 6, 2º 2ª,
08007 Barcelona