36th UMEMPS Congress, Athens – Greece, 1-3 October 2015


The early registration period expires on August 21st, 2015.
Take advantage of the early bird reduced registration rates and complete the registration process by visiting the official congress website!

Preliminary Program

The congress preliminary program is now available!
For further information, please visit the official congress website.

Best Abstract Award

The best abstract (oral or poster) presented in the framework of the 36th UMEMPS Congress will be awarded. The award is accompanied by a prize of 1.000 Euros

Prize sponsored by: Hellenic Pediatric Society


Accommodation booking for the 36th UMEMPS Congress is open!
Please visit the official congress website and secure your reservation in the Congress Venue.

Congress Secretariat

Everest Travel & Congresses
14-16, Lykourgou str.,
10552, Athens-Greece

T. +30 210 3249242, ext. 2223

F. +30 210 3242395

W. www.everesttravel.gr

General information:
[email protected]

Abstract submission:
[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Sponsorship / Exhibition:
[email protected]

Dear Colleagues,

It is a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 36th Union of Middle Eastern & Mediterranean Pediatric Societies (UMEMPS) Congress that will take place in Athens – Greece, on 1-3 October 2015.

UMEMPS is a scientific association, operating on a not-for-profit basis, representing 30 National Pediatric Societies in Middle East and Mediterranean regions. The vision of UMEMPS is to bring together all doctors who care about children, by supporting the role of pediatricians in being the advocates of all children.

The aim of the Congress is to present to delegates the latest developments in Pediatrics bringing them up to date in their fields, covering topics that range from primary to secondary care. The Scientific Programme will include an exciting mix of lectures, symposia, round tables, debates and meet-the-experts sessions.

Our objective is to create an opportunity for all delegates to actively participate in the congress in a variety of ways. Therefore, we will be happy to receive and evaluate your abstracts and offer you a chance to present your work.

We look forward to welcoming you to Athens and the 36th UMEMPS Congress!

Best wishes,


Prof. Andreas Konstantopoulos

President of the 36th UMEMPS Congress
President of the Hellenic Pediatric Society
Please visit www.umemps2015.gr, to stay updated about the congress.

36th UMEMPS Congress Key Dates

• Deadline for Abstract submission: 31 July 2015

• Deadline for Early Registration: 21 August 2015

Everest Travel & Congresses

14-16, Lykourgou str.,
10552, Athens-Greece

T. +30 210 3249242, ext. 2223

F. +30 210 3242395

W. www.everesttravel.gr