For the first time ESC Congress will convene in the Eternal City of Rome, Italy from 27 – 31 August 2016.
The cross-collaboration spirit of the ESC and its constituent bodies will be highlighted by the spotlight of ESC Congress 2016 ‘The Heart Team’, emphasising the importance of teamwork and interactions between all professionals and specialties involved in the fight against cardiovascular disease.
Together with the Congress Programme Committee we are planning an innovative and original programme to present, share, debate and conclude on the latest science and research in cardiology and enhance cardiology practice through more than 500 scientific sessions.
The congress will have a distinguished faculty from around the globe and provide an opportunity for you to get involved and share your original
research through the call for abstracts, clinical cases and late breaking science.
European Society of Cardiology
Les Templiers
2035 Route des Colles
CS 80179 BIOT
06903 Sophia Antipolis, FR
Ingresso Nord
Via Portuense 1645/1647
00148 Rome, IT